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Mundele: 3 origins of white people in Lingala

wooden-scrabble-letters on a dark wooden table culture

Recently, the Lingala word “Mundele”, meaning white people in lingala, has become a hot topic of discussion and debate, especially on social media platforms like Instagram. The etymological origins of “Mundele” are still under debate. The controversy began when someone posted that the word derives from the French term “Modèle” (meaning “model”). This individual, who …

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The Fascinating World of Lingala Verbs

a black board written "Grammar" to illustrate or the purpose of Lingala and English article

Are you ready to embark on a fascinating journey into the heart of Lingala verbs? If so, you won’t want to miss learning more about it! Let’s take a deep dive into understanding of this grammar point. In this article, we’ll go through the fascinating structure of Lingala verbs. Together, we will explore its unique …

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A Unique Method to Read Time in Lingala

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As most people in Africa, the Congolese people used to express time based on the sun’s position throughout the day. They divided the day into segments. Each of the segments were associated with a particular event of the day. Today, the way people read time in Lingala has changed but is still unique. In this …

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How to count in Lingala from 0 to millions: a powerful step-by-step guide

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Last update 31st Dec 2024 While Lingala numbers exist, most speakers use French numbers, inherited from the formers rulers’ language. Most people are able to count up to ten at most and don’t know how to count in Lingala. Then, a lot of them struggle to count beyond. A few people don’t even know that …

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Lingala compared to English : 3 amazing differences

a black board written "Grammar" to illustrate or the purpose of Lingala and English article

Lingala is a language primarily used in Central Africa as a lingua franca by millions of people for trade and communication. English is an Indo-European language widely used throughout the world. Despite having different ancestries, the two languages share a lot in common and also differ greatly. This article compares and contrasts the writing system, …

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9 Incredible tips to better vocabulary in Lingala

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Developing your vocabulary in Lingala plays an important role when learning the language or improving your skills. It enhances the way you understand native speakers, and increase your confidence when speaking or writing. You will be communicating more effectively.The best way to improve your “bank of words” is to immerse yourself in a Lingala speaking …

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