A wise person must know the language, sayings, and tales of his society.

Numbers in Lingala

For a lot of people, numbers, especially counting, is one of the most difficult parts when learning or refreshing your knowledge of a language. For the Lingala language, Lingala Vision sorted it out for you. We created three useful and easy to use convertors to help you to:

  • Count
  • Say the date
  • Read the time

With the colour code, understanding the different parts of the number should be easy to understand. To go further, you can hear the number here.

You are definitely at the right place to improve your digital skills ! Have a look and try our numbers to text convertors provided below.

Let’s count

Counting in Lingala is a straight forward process with a very few exceptions.
Here, you will learn how to count in Lingala from tens to billions with our Number to Text Convertor. It will convert to words any integer number (no decimal).

Please do not use any space, dot, coma or other sign in between numbers!

How to use it:

  • Just write numbers in the form below
  • Press Convert button

And voila! You get the numbers in Lingala!

More can be found on the counting system here.

We will be soon updating our number following the latest discoveries made on the counting system beyond 10 000.

Lingala Number Translator
Enter a number to convert into Lingala:


Say the date

Now, that you are more familiar with numbers in Lingala and know how to count in Lingala, let's go further!

What is the day today? For sure, you know the answer! But do you know to say it in Lingala?
Here, you will learn how to say it with our numbers to date Text Convertor.
It will convert to words any integer number (no decimal).

Please do not use any space, dot, coma or other sign in between numbers!

How to use it:

  • Just write the day, the month, and year in numbers in the form below
  • Press Convert button

And voila! You get the date in Lingala!

Here are the limited ranges to be used:

  • Day: 1-31
  • Month : 1-12
  • Year: Min. 1

The colour code below will help you to better apprehend saying the date in Lingala.




You will learn more on the date system here

colourful- with a yellow background
Lingala Date Translator

Enter a date using either of the two forms below. (Weekday is optional.)


colourful- with a yellow background

Reading time

What time is it? Do you know to say it in Lingala?
Here, you will learn how to say it with our Numbers to time Text Convertor.
We will convert to words any integer number (no decimal).

Please do not use any space, dot, coma or other sign in between numbers!

How to use it:

  • Choose your format AM/PM or 24H
  • Just write numbers for the hours and minutes in the form below
  • Press Convert button

And voilà! You get the time in Lingala!

Here are the limited ranges to be used:


  • Hour: 0-23
  • Minute : 0-59


  • Hour: 1-12
  • Minute : 0-59

Please refresh before entering a new search

The colour code below will help you to better apprehend reading the time in Lingala.




You will learn more on the time system and how to read time in Lingala here

Convert 24-Hour Time



Convert AM/PM Time

