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5 Lingala dictionaries essential to your growth

a black board written "Grammar" to illustrate or the purpose of Lingala and English article

Lingala is spoken by tens of millions of people in Central Africa. It’s an expressive and dynamic language, both complex and relatively easy to learn, thanks to the internal logic of its structure. Ever found yourself at a loss for words in Lingala, searching for the right translation or meaning? You’re in good company! The …

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The Fascinating World of Lingala Verbs

a black board written "Grammar" to illustrate or the purpose of Lingala and English article

Are you ready to embark on a fascinating journey into the heart of Lingala verbs? If so, you won’t want to miss learning more about it! Let’s take a deep dive into understanding of this grammar point. In this article, we’ll go through the fascinating structure of Lingala verbs. Together, we will explore its unique …

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Lingala compared to English : 3 amazing differences

a black board written "Grammar" to illustrate or the purpose of Lingala and English article

Lingala is a language primarily used in Central Africa as a lingua franca by millions of people for trade and communication. English is an Indo-European language widely used throughout the world. Despite having different ancestries, the two languages share a lot in common and also differ greatly. This article compares and contrasts the writing system, …

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